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// Posted by :Unknown // On :Sunday, January 18, 2015

I will tell you about my boring holiday. My holiday wasn't very exciting but i slept everyday which was nice for me. I got up at 4.30 to do subuh prayer after that i went to sleep again. My father said that if you sleep after subuh prayer you will not get a gifted day. After slept again for 3 hours i woke up at 8 o'clock. Sometime i got up and played some game or i could sleep again for next 4 hours. At 12 o'clock i do dzuhur prayer in masjid, i always shalat in masjid when holiday. And then i went to play a game again to my room. I call that room as "playing room" i call it because there are many games in that room for example :a computer, a playstation, and some board game. There are so many games in my computer so i didn't get bored in my holiday. Acually it's my brother who installed a half game in my computer. I will mention some game i often play:

Deadpool:it's a game about a regenerating, crazy, skilled, psychopatic, bloodthirst, and funny mutant who wants to stop a world apocalypse      

Saint's Row 3:it's a game about a kindhearted gangster who goes around brightening people's day as you run around the city topless while beating other gang's member with a real big pink bat

Skyrim:it's a game about a psychotic mass murderer who doesn't leave any cave, fort, or ruin until every living thing inside is dead

Call of Duty:in this game you're a god of war, slaying thousands of enemies, healing frombullet wounds in seconds, and resurrecting after death

GTA:in grand theft auto you're the most violent criminal in the world who can never die in intensive care and who keeps paying the police to let tou out with all of your weapon

Saint's row 4:you're a president of a city who destroys a alien mothership and everyone who make friends with them to regain his throne

Dragon nest:you're a violent adventurer who goes to innocent dragon's nest,kills his servants, destroy his nest,kills him ,and collects his scale as a equipment material

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