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Well, I'm not going to post about what is Paman Gober's activities. I'm just going to post what happened to me in that day.
I got up from sleep and prepared to go to school
I ate my breakfast and go to garage to take my bicycle
Well, my bicycle's tire is deflated and it would be so late if I borrow bicycle from school
So I went to my neighbor to borrow a bicycle
Finally I got a bicycle. And I needed to go to school as fast as possible
I arrived at the school but everyone has gone
I tried to catch up with my friends so I used a shortcut to tegalega
I arrived at tegalega but there was no one there
I didn't know where was my friends so I cycled around the city
Everyone has returned to lapbal. I went there too
Me and my friends planned to go to dago
We stopped in darul hikam to get some rest
We arrived in tahura dago. And continued to tebing keraton
We tought tebing keraton is too far so we didn't do further
We went back to lapbal an proceed to get back home
For this task, i will write about doomsday. Doomsday is my favourite natural phenomena. Why? Because this will be the last natural phenomena you'll see.
What is doomsday? Doomsday is some kind of natural phenomena where everything will be destroyed. Imagine tornado, tsunami, meteor shower, earthquake, thunderstorm, and everything you could imagine in one day
In Al-Quran there is some description on what will happen in that day
It's written in surah Al-Qariah verse 4
وَتَكُونُ الْجِبَالُ كَالْعِهْنِ الْمَنْفُوشِ
"And the mountains will be just like scattering feather"
Its also written in surah Al-Qiyamah verse 10 to 12
يَقُولُ الْإِنْسَانُ يَوْمَئِذٍ أَيْنَ الْمَفَرُّ
"In that day human asked 'where can I run?' "
كَلَّا لَا وَزَرَ
"Nowhere! There is no where you can run!"
إِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ يَوْمَئِذٍ الْمُسْتَقَرُّ
"It's only to your god you can return"
There is some movies which describe about judgement day. But it's not so accurate because in real judgement day no one will survive
Judgement day will happen after Israfil, angel who blow the death horn for the first time. The earth will shatter. The sky will fall.
And everything will become one again.
Warteg is an acronym for warung tegal it's some kind of fancy restaurant that serves very delicious food with a very low price. You can get a lot of food with five thousand rupiahs. There are various menus on the warteg. To order the food you have to stand in the counter an ask what menu do you want to order. After you eat your food, ask the waiter how much was the price for the food.

Sometimes I go to warteg with my friend. We go to warteg in front of istiqamah jhs in pahlawan street. I always order noodle,chaos tempe(i don't know what is tempe orek arik in english), and wet tofu(sayur tahu maksudnya) when i eat there. And then we buy a milkshake near the warteg. Well that was my favourite culinary, what about you?
Deadpool:it's a game about a regenerating, crazy, skilled, psychopatic, bloodthirst, and funny mutant who wants to stop a world apocalypse
Saint's Row 3:it's a game about a kindhearted gangster who goes around brightening people's day as you run around the city topless while beating other gang's member with a real big pink bat
Skyrim:it's a game about a psychotic mass murderer who doesn't leave any cave, fort, or ruin until every living thing inside is dead
Call of Duty:in this game you're a god of war, slaying thousands of enemies, healing frombullet wounds in seconds, and resurrecting after death
GTA:in grand theft auto you're the most violent criminal in the world who can never die in intensive care and who keeps paying the police to let tou out with all of your weapon
Saint's row 4:you're a president of a city who destroys a alien mothership and everyone who make friends with them to regain his throne
Dragon nest:you're a violent adventurer who goes to innocent dragon's nest,kills his servants, destroy his nest,kills him ,and collects his scale as a equipment material
“Thank you, giant,” said the couple.
“But there is condition, at the age of 17 years the child must be submitted with you to me,” the giant reply.
Without thinking long they agree, becauseit wanted a child.
Fruit cucumber that the longer become larger and heavier. When the fruit is ripe, they take it, carefully slit the fruit. Sudenlly, in the fruit is found in infants of women who are very beautiful. Couple was very happy, they gave the name of the baby Timun Mas.
Timun Mas again fled. She ran for dear life. But long run power out. More unlucky again because a giant awakened from sleep. Giant again almost catch her. Timun Mas very terrified. He also threw the last tool handful shrimp paste. Again, miracles happen. A lake of mud spread wide. Giant fall into it. Hands almost reach Timun Mas. But the lake mud is basic to withdraw it. Giant panic, he can not breathe, then submerged.
Notes:Her name is Tmun Mas, not Golden Cucumber
I will post about "Great Pyramid of Giza"
(of course this is my another assignment)
Look at that picture. The sides of the square base are closely aligned to the four cardinal compass points based on true north, not magnetic north, and the finished base was squared to a mean corner error of only 12 seconds of arc.

In the right picture there is 3 giza pyramids and the right one is belt of orion. The positioning of the three Pyramids of Giza are exactly aligned with the position of the three stars in the belt of Orion, both in position and in size. How come the Egyptians knew that there are stars that resemble the pyramids