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// Posted by :Unknown // On :Monday, August 25, 2014

I have a new friend. He is Hilman,his full name is Hilman Ardika Wibowo. In his previous school he was called Dika,but anyway i will call him Hilman.

He was born on 13rd of October in 1999 so he will be 15 years old in a month. He lives in Cisitu Lama Street Number 26. He has 1 big brother. He likes to eat sushi,steak,milk,bibimbap he also likes chocolate just like me. His favorite subjects is physics. I don't understand why does he love physics i think physics is the second most frustrating subjects after math.

His hobbies is playing games and sleeping just like me. He favorite games is Need For Speed and Pokemon. For those who don't know Pokemon, Pokemon is short of pocket monsters. It's a game about catching monsters and putting them to a ball. My favorite pokemon is Rayquaza. He can use thunder bolt ,able to fly and he is green colored pokemon. You will need a lot of balls if you catch it with an ordinary ball.

His previous school is Darul Hikam Junior High School, Darul Hikam elementary school, and Permana Asih kindergarten. i studied in permana asih kindergarten too. But I wonder why we don't recognize each other. Maybe because it has been a long time

if you want to see his face, this is his picture

Pssst! He has just broke up with his girlfriend

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