// Posted by :Unknown
// On :Sunday, October 12, 2014
hi everyone, I'm here to post another assignment ms. wiwin ask me to do
and I will post about our activities in
I warn you about this post,I post a lot of pictures.
This is poster of matswapati |
This is matswapati's schedule |
Matswapati was opened by the mayor
the gate was opened around 10 o'clock when the people finished the parade |
We were walking around the city for parade |
A 'selfie' of my friends |
This one is my friend's selfie picture |
Another selfie |
selfie again |
selfie during a parade
That indian-looking-like person is a selfie maniac. He shows in almost every selfie in this parade |
selfie with a smile face
that indian guy again. |
mass selfie
with indian guy |
some foots??!!
Alit and his lovely sound system
He loves sound system so much |
Another picture of sound system
with hilman |
Fadhlan and sound system |
Fadhlan receive the prize,it's a prize for parade championship. We won the 1Million prize because we were the most active class in the parade |
Those people are my friend who celebrate our victory
Maybe I should call that indian guy "god of selfie"
My male classmate is taking a picture with their prize |
This is Glenn Fredly,s opinion |
Thank you for seeing my post. I hope the next post will be better